Kadazan culture is heavily influenced by the farming of rice,
culminating in various delicacies and alcoholic drinks prepared through
differing home-brewed fermentation processes. Tapai and lihing are the
main rice wine variants served and consumed in Kadazan populated areas,
and are a staple of Kadazan social gatherings and ceremonies.Place the bamboo straw provided firmly into the rice lump, preferably
with one swift insertion rather than having to pull it back up again, so
as not to break the rice lump.The actual way to drink the siopon is first to sip the potent fluid in
the jar (called tapai) until the fluid level comes off contact with the
plastic sheet, that’s about the equivalence of a cup of tapai. A cup of
clean water is then refilled into the jar. So as the process is
repeated, the potency of the tapai will taper off until it becomes
tasteless. When does that happen I don’t know. My guess is that 1 jar of
siopon could actually give out up to 5 jars of potent tapai. That’s a
lot of refilling to do.Jar is called “tempayan” in malay or “tajau” in local dialect: to be
true KadazanDusun…or better still: Pokok Tajau…I forgot the other
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Randaman Liquer were made from 44 types of plant roots to produce a smooth and a crispy flavor liquer. This liquer can only be found in Sabah,Borneo,Malaysia
Friday, 19 April 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Pekasam Ikan Sultan
This fish is fermented with blended roasted rice. it has a mild sour taste and a crispy texture when it is fried.
Nin Koe *
This is a traditional Chinese New Year delicacy. it will keep for an indefinite period if sliced and then dried in the sun. there are two good ways of serving it. One, steam and roll it in white grated coconut, seasoned with a pinch of salt. the other ways is to fry it with slices of yam or sweet potato in a batter, as in pisang goreng (Banana Fritter)
Kuih Bakul
250g glutinour rice flour
250ml water
275g granulated sugar
Banana leaves, scalded
Any round tins (recycle empty round fruit cans)
1. Line tin with banana leaves, make sure that the leaves fold over the rim of the tin and secure with a piece of string
2. Put sifted glutinous rice flour in a mixing bowl, add water to form a soft dough. add sugar, mix well until the sugar is completely dissolve.Leave aside to rest for 15 minutes
3. Pour batter into tin (half full). Steam over boiling water for 7-8 hours on medium heat. Replenish water for steaming regularly, with hot boiling water
4. wrap the lid of the steamer with a sufficient big piece of muslin cloth to prevent water from dripping into the cake surface. when cake is done it should turn brown. Leave cake in the tin for a day before taking it out.
Entik Iban, iban ngumbai tuk Rumpong...Sumai ngau buah terung asam gulai belacan gagak nyadi Sup...Nyadi meh...Haa! Entik ndak, empak piak aja pun nyamai gak, betabas ngau beer...
Tok bisik sitik gik jenis salai, Salai Ikan Lajong nama ya...Pun tauk di gagak sup. Gulai ngau cabik, liak, daun bandung...irup kuah ya angat-angat....Peii!!!Nyak te manah gik!!!
Tok bisik sitik gik jenis salai, Salai Ikan Lajong nama ya...Pun tauk di gagak sup. Gulai ngau cabik, liak, daun bandung...irup kuah ya angat-angat....Peii!!!Nyak te manah gik!!!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
French Toast *
French Toast
2 pieces of bread (cut it into 2)
1tbsp sugar
1nos egg
A pinch of Nutmeg Powder
A pinch of Salt
1. Cut bread into 2. Beat egg with sugar together and add in a pinch of Nutmeg powder and salt.
2. Heat pan with butter, Dip in the bread into the egg mixture. Coated it side by side.
3. Fry it till golden brown in each side.
4. Serve with jam, butter or maple syrup.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Steam & Bake Cake
Lumut Cake
Steam Bake Cheese Cake
Assorted Layer Cake
Kek Lapis Cadbury
(Cadbury Layer Cake)
Kek Lapis Masam Manis
(Sweet & Sour Layer Cake)
(a family of the leeches, and temeloh, a type of leeches found in tree holes in the river)
This lelitak is usually cooked with Lemongrass, Tumeric powder, and Soy Sauce.It has a gummy texture when it is cooked and a slimy texture when its alive
Kuih Pulut Manis (Wajik) *
Kuih Wajik
500gm beras pulut (lbh kurang 3 1/2 cwn arcopal)
300gm gula melaka @ gula merah
200gm gula pasir
(Gula melaka dgn gula pasir dimasak dengan 1 cawan air)
2 cawan santan pekat
1 helai daun pandan
1. Kaedah kukus-Beras pulut dibersihkan dan direndam selama 4 jam dan dikukus selama 30 minit- sambil dibalik2kan gaul dengan sedikit santan cair & secubit garam
2. Rebus gula melaka & gula pasir dengan 1 cawan air..setelah larut & mendidih, hendaklah di tapis
3. Panaskan semula gula yg ditapis tadi, masukkan daun pandan & secubit garam
4. Setelah mendidih masukkan 2 cawan santan pekat biarkan merenih dlm 1/2 jam guna api yg kecil
5. Setelah gula pekat berkilat & bertali, masukkan pulut yg dikukus @ ditanak tadi dan gaul rata
6. Setelah agak kering,keluarkan daun pandan tadi.. tuang kedalam loyang
7. Sejukan..dan sedia dipotong..
500gm beras pulut (lbh kurang 3 1/2 cwn arcopal)
300gm gula melaka @ gula merah
200gm gula pasir
(Gula melaka dgn gula pasir dimasak dengan 1 cawan air)
2 cawan santan pekat
1 helai daun pandan
1. Kaedah kukus-Beras pulut dibersihkan dan direndam selama 4 jam dan dikukus selama 30 minit- sambil dibalik2kan gaul dengan sedikit santan cair & secubit garam
2. Rebus gula melaka & gula pasir dengan 1 cawan air..setelah larut & mendidih, hendaklah di tapis
3. Panaskan semula gula yg ditapis tadi, masukkan daun pandan & secubit garam
4. Setelah mendidih masukkan 2 cawan santan pekat biarkan merenih dlm 1/2 jam guna api yg kecil
5. Setelah gula pekat berkilat & bertali, masukkan pulut yg dikukus @ ditanak tadi dan gaul rata
6. Setelah agak kering,keluarkan daun pandan tadi.. tuang kedalam loyang
7. Sejukan..dan sedia dipotong..
Nasi Minyak dengan Salai Perut Salmon dan Kari Sayur
(Ghee Rice with Homemade Smoke Salmon Belly and Vege Curry)
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Rempeyek *
2 cawan tepung beras
100 gm kacang tanah
Sesudu teh jintan putih
Sesudu teh jintan manis
Sesudu teh ketumbar
2 cawan santan
Sesudu teh kapur makan
2 sudu teh gula
Sesudu teh garam
60 gm ikan bilis
Minyak untuk menggoreng
1. Bersihkan dan toskan kacang tanah.
2. Bancuh tepung beras bersama-sama bahan lain.
3. Panaskan minyak atas api yang sederhana besar. Tuangkan adunan tadi ke sisi minyak dan taburkan beberapa biji kacang tanah dan ikan bilis.
4. Apabila agak keperangan, angkat dan toskan tempeyek tadi
Macaroon *
3 - large egg whites room temperature
1 tablespoon - meringue powder
3 tablespoons - sugar
3/4 cup - extra fine ground almonds**
1 cup - icing sugar sifted
food colouring pastes
For Filling:
Marmalade or Buttercream
1.Preheat the oven to 300 F and line 2 baking trays with parchment paper.
2.Hip the whites and meringue powder until they are foamy, then slowly add the sugar and whip just until the whites barely hold a soft peak when the beaters are lifted. It is very important not to overwhip your egg whites). Stir the ground almonds and icing sugar together and then fold this into the whipped whites in 2 additions (the batter will be quite runny).
3. If you wish to colour the macarons, divide the batter into 3 bowls and stir in a touch of colour into each. Fill 3 piping bags fitted with a plain tip with each of the batters and pipe macarons that are 1 ½ -inches wide and an inch apart on the baking tray. Let the macarons sit for 10-30 minutes, until they develop a “skin” (until the surface of the macarons appear dull – no longer shiny). Bake for about 10 minutes, until they lift off the parchment paper using a spatula without sticking. Let them cool on the trays before removing.
4.To assemble, pipe or spread a little curd or marmalade on the bottom of one macaron and press the bottom of a second onto it, pressing gently. Continue until all of the macarons are filled.
5.The macarons will keep for up to 3 days in airtight container.
**Extra fine ground almonds can be found at fine food stores, but if you cannot buy them, then sift conventional ground almonds to achieve a finer texture and then measure, or another option is to grind them with the icing sugar to have them to achieve that fine texture.
Kuih Basong
This ‘kuih’ is called ‘basong’. Made from glutinous rice. The rice is
first steamed and then put into banana leaf in cone shape. It will then
be cooked again by boiling them. Eaten with fresh grated coconut, and Palm sugar.
Very simple. Usually consumed as breakfast, some prefer it hot and quite
a lot like of people like to eat it cold by keeping them in the fridge.
Linut | Ambuyat *
a sticky porridge-like type of food, made from sagu flour. It can be
eaten raw, or dipped into spicy sambal belacan. Normally, linut or
ambuyat is eaten during high tea or night supper.
A) Sago Linut
Fresh sago flour
Hot or Boiling water
1. To prepare sago linut, you can either use poured boiling water, or boiling water in a pot.
2. Method 1) Hot Water - 2 person needed. 1 person to pour hot water, 1 person to stir. Add in normal water first to make it watery and doesn't turn into starch too soon. Then add in hot water, and stir continously until all the sago turn clear and gooey.
3. Method 2) Add normal temperature water to sago in a pot (approx. 1 sago-1 1/2 water content). Heat the pot using small-medium heat and stir. Keep stirring until all the sago turn clear and gooey. Add more water if necessary. If too gooey, stir further until desired thickness.
4. Put aside.
The best combination to go with Linut (from Left to Right : Fried Fermented Fish with Ginger flower bud, Sambal Asam Paya, Sambal Mempelam (Mango), and Masak lemak Batang Keladi dengan Ikan Masin)
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Rainbow Cupcakes with Buttercream topping
Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese and Peanutbutter frosting
Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese and Peanutbutter frosting
Greentea Cupcakes with Zesty Lemon buttercream
Pan Grilled Fish with Curry Gravy *
Pan Grilled Fish with Curry Gravy
500gm Fish Cutlet
6 shallot (bawang merah)
4 galangal (lengkuas)
2 stalk lemon grass (serai)
2 clove garlic
4 cm ginger
Curry Gravy
1 1/2 tbsp Fish curry powder (paste)
2 tbsp Plain Yogurt
Salt to taste
For Fish:
1. Pound or blend ingredient A until fine. Save some of it to make Curry gravy
2. add the marination item into the fish.Marinate it for 1 hour.
3. Grilled over moderated heat.turn the fish every three minute per side until done.
For Gravy:
1. Saute the blend(A) item till fragrance.
2. Add in the curry paste.Saute till fragrance
3. Add in water, then simmer it for 5 minutes
4. Laslty add in Yogurt and Salt to taste.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Brocolli Soup *
Brocolli Soup
500g Brocolli,clean and florette
500ml water
1 Onion (slices)
1 tbsp butter
1/4cup whipping cream
1 tbsp Chicken Stock
salt and pepper to taste
1. Heat butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. add onion and garlic and stir for 3 minutes or until onion has softened. add pumpkin and stir evenly
2. add water,stock, and bring to boil, cover saucepan with lid and reduced heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until brocolli is tender.Set aside for 5-10 minutes to cool.
3. blend in a blender until smooth. Return to saucepan over low heat.
4. whisk whipping cream and pour into saucepan. whisk evenly.
5 season with salt and pepper.turn off heat.Serve with Garlic bread.
Ayam Pansuh (Chicken cooked in Bamboo)

Ayam pansuh is typical among the people in Sarawak,Malaysia. Ayam pansuh is a dish prepared by cooking chicken meat in a bamboo and stuffed with water (which later will be the soup), seasonings and covered with tapioca leaf (later could be eaten together with the cooked chicken). The origin of ayam pansuh is not available, but the Ibans and the Bidayuhs (people of Sarawak) always prepare this dish on any celebration days, especially the Gawai Dayak (celebration for the end of harvesting).
Tang Hoon Goreng *
Tang Hoon Goreng
(Fried Glass Noodle)
Tang Hoon (Direndam)
Lobak Merah (Julienne)
Kulat Telinga Kera(Julienne)
French Beans (Julienne)
Serbuk Pati Ayam
Minyak Bijan
Minyak Masak
1.Rendamkan Tang Hoon terlebih dahulu selama 5 minit, Hiriskan french bean, Kulat dan Lobak dengan halus.
2.Panaskan minyak masak, masukkan telur kedalam dan kacaukan. Masukkan tang hoon dan gaul hingga rata.
3. Masukkan sayur yag telah dihiris dan gaul dengan rata. rasakan dengan garam, serbuk pati ayam dan minyak bijan.
Dabai - The Black Olive of Sarawak
Dabai is one of many exotic fruits in Sarawak.
It is commonly known as or-kana - means 'black olive' in Hokkien, but technically it is not an olive.
Dabai are white in colour when immature and turn black when ripe. They are oblong in shape like an olive and have thin, edible skin. The yellowish white flesh wraps around a three-angled seed. Soak the dabai in hot water until they are soft. The yellowish flesh tastes creamy. Eating the skin is a personal preference. For taste, try either soy sauce or salt. You can also preserve it just by soaking them with black soy sauce or with coarse salt (without the seed). Dabai fried rice is a specialty dish in Sarawak. However this is a seasonal fruit.
The second best thing that comes out from a fruit is the nut inside the seed. Crack it open with a mortar and pestle set; the good old-fashion way. Use a toothpick to remove the nut if necessary.
It is commonly known as or-kana - means 'black olive' in Hokkien, but technically it is not an olive.
Dabai are white in colour when immature and turn black when ripe. They are oblong in shape like an olive and have thin, edible skin. The yellowish white flesh wraps around a three-angled seed. Soak the dabai in hot water until they are soft. The yellowish flesh tastes creamy. Eating the skin is a personal preference. For taste, try either soy sauce or salt. You can also preserve it just by soaking them with black soy sauce or with coarse salt (without the seed). Dabai fried rice is a specialty dish in Sarawak. However this is a seasonal fruit.
The second best thing that comes out from a fruit is the nut inside the seed. Crack it open with a mortar and pestle set; the good old-fashion way. Use a toothpick to remove the nut if necessary.
Dabei with Sweet Soy Sauce
Ceviche de Champinoes *
150gm Fresh Button Mushroom (Diced)
20gm Celery (Diced)
20gm Shallot (Cube)
2nos Garlic
Salt n Pepper
1/2 tbsp Tabasco
A pinch of Oregano
50ml Lime Juice
1/2 tbsp Oil
1 tbsp Red Pepper (Julienne)
1 tbsp Green Pepper (Julienne)
1 tbsp Red Chili (Julienne)
1 tbsp Chinese Parsley (Spig)
1. Blanched mushroom for 30 second and drain. Once cool mix with celery and shallot.
2. Puree garlic, salt, pepper, hot sauce, oregano, lime juice and oil. This is for the dressing.
3.Mix vegetables and the dressing. (leaves some for garnishing) and chill for 2 hours.
4. Garnish accordingly.
Arroz Blanco Can Verduras *
Arroz Blanco Can Verduras
200gm Long grain rice (Wash and Drain)
2 tbsp Corn Oil
30gm Onion (Chopped)
30gm Spring Onion (Cut 1/2 inches)
2 nos Garlic (Chopped)
70gm Button Mushroom (Quaters)
1 nos Red Chili (Chopped)
360ml Chicken Stock
1/2cups Corn Kernel
50gm Cheddar Cheese (grated)
2tbsp Cilantro/Chinese Parsley (Chopped)
Salt n Pepper to taste
1. Cover rice with hot water and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain and rinse well under cold water. let drain for 20 minutes.
2. Heat the oil until it smokes and add the rice, still well
3. Cook until the rice just to take opaque color.
4. Add the onion, garlic, mushroom, and chili: cook over high heat until onion take translucent by stirring constansly.
5. Add the chicken stock and corn: cook uncover over medium heat-until the liquid has been absorb and small air holes appear in the rice.
6. Remove from heat and let stand, covered for 10 to 15 minutes.
7. Add the cheese and cilantro and stir into the rice with a fork.
Mee Kolok Sarawak
Most of the noodle dishes in Sarawak such as laksa and mee kolok were first to introduce by the chinese. resembling the popular dry wantan noodle, mee kolok feature blanched dry egg noodle which look like ramen. it is tossed in lard and light soy sauce and topped with shredded meat particular pork slice or chicken for halal fare. it can be savoured at any time of the day.
Here are the few pictures of the mee kolok around Kuching Cities and from Sri Aman, Sarawak
Mee Kolok Mary Ujang,
Sri Aman Food Market, Sri Aman
Sri Aman Food Market, Sri Aman
Mee Kolok (Padungan Area)
Wanton Mee Kolok
(Sri Aman,Old Bazaar)
(Sri Aman,Old Bazaar)
Mee Kolok Parkson
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